Chances are that you think of a pergola as nothing more than a big mount that you train vines on.
They look absolutely stunning in gardens decked out in a full classical French style of design, but they can also serve as a jumping off point for so many other types of backyard improvements.
Some of these could even work in commercial and hospitality applications. Our crew here at Awning for Patio invites interested homeowners or contractors to imagine their own space as they go over the following list of different ideas.
Outdoor Pergola Ideas

Pretty much any type of arrangement that you can think of for a roof outside could be extended with a pergola.
Sketch out the space you’re working with and figure out how high of a structure you need to achieve your goals.
Once you’ve got that information, you’ll be in a good position to pick out a modern design.
Modern Pergolas
Louis Sullivan famously stated that form follows function, and this is a good maxim to live by when designing modern pergola arrangements.
There’s always been this tendency to add extraneous decoration and other unnecessary features to any outdoor structure, but these can become extremely jarring to an observer.
Bold and angular lines are a much better way to stand out in a way that doesn’t require the use of anything that you wouldn’t already put up when designing a pergola or outdoor annex.
Pergola Ideas with Roof
Natural roofs are probably the most common when it comes to instaling a complete pergola system. Think about what your backyard would look like if you put up a full-sized pergola and then trained enough plants around it so that they actually grew over the top and shaded you from the sun.
This can be done with almost any kind of unit regardless of its construction, though it does have to be physically large enough to allow for the growth of that much biomass.
Artificial Roofs are Going to be Your Second Bet
This is especially true if you’re in an area where that much cultivation wouldn’t be possible.
Installing a glass roof with an overhang is a great way to create an outdoor space that everyone can enjoy. You might want to consider positioning one away from the largest permanent structure on a lot to create a rather unique focal point that draws guests to it.
More conventional installations over a porch or patio are of course equally as possible, but you shouldn’t be afraid to challenge conventions and completely redefine the space that you have to work with.
Design Your Ideal Outdoor Structure at Awning for Patio
Regardless of what kind of arrangement you elect to go with, consider designing your space in such a way that it integrates well with the existing natural environment.
Check out the lay of the land and see if you can’t follow it instead of making a big project out of moving all of the earth around in a way that adheres to the contours of the ground.
For more information on how to put up an extremely modern pergola, contact us online today.